Bet Recap 7/25/24

Alright let’s recap this past week. It has been shit. The market has been quite unpredictable, and that’s just part of the ebbs and flows of sports betting. Trust me, I know things have been shit lately.

1/3 Sunday, 3/3 Monday, 0/3 Tuesday, 1/2 last night. That’s 5/11. Not good.

Things will turn eventually as they always do. There’s no one right now who’s making money. It’s an ice cold market. We make decisions based on the past, that’s the fundamental nature of statistical analysis. If the past doesn’t represent the future AT ALL, yeah, everyone’s fucked.

I guarantee you everything will be fine, if you want take a few nights off until we start cruising again.

MLB Hit Rate – 145/217 66.8% this year, 264/386 67.9% on the year last year.

NBA Hit Rate – 281/422 – 66.5% this year, 69% last year.
